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Τraining on Saturday, April 8th, 2023 will take place at outdoor Ellinoroson court. On Sunday, April 9th, 2023, there will be an educational program (Decision Making) and basketball school instead of the training session.

Schedule for Group Β (find athletes names here):

SATURDAY 8/4 – Training session @Ellinoroson court: 18:45 – 20:00.
Court Ellinoroson address: Chalepa 2 Str, Athens 115 25 (Please note that the entrance to the courts is on Georgiou Vlachou Str.) find here the map.

  • Children must wear the clothes and shoes that they have received from the academy otherwise they will not be able to participate in the training.

SUNDAY 9/4 – Educational program and basketball school at BCA college: 12:30 – 16:30.

MEETING POINT: Ellinorosn court.


  • Athletes and Junior Coaches should be at the Ellinoroson court in time in order to board the Academy’s bus for BCA College accompanied by the coaches.

RETURN to the Sepolia court: 16:30.

  • Parents or guardians should be at the Ellinoroson court at the above time to pick up their children.
  • Children and Junior Coaches should wear the clothes and shoes that they have received from the academy, in order to attend the educational program and basketball school.
  • Educational program attendance is required.
  • Educational program and basketball school involve only children and parents cannot participate.

For any information please contact us at the following contact details:
Mobile phone: +306981205805
E-mail: [email protected]

See you on court!
AntetokounBros Academy

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