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We would like to inform you that you are among the RUNNERS-UP for the AntetokounBros Academy for the 2022-23 season.

But in order to be able to take part in the academy, in case there are vacancies, you should come to the Onasis Cardiac Surgery Center this Saturday, December 17,2022 in order to go through the necessary scheduled medical appointments so that we can make sure that you can take part in the training sessions.

Attending the medical appointment is MANDATORY for your eventual participation in the AntetokounBros Academy.

Exams are FREE of charge.

Both athletes and parents/guardians must have with them an official identification document such as identity card, passport, birth certificate, etc.

You can find the time of your scheduled medical appointment HERE.

Important Instructions:

  • It is necessary to have a negative 24-hour rapid test result to attend the appointment. The examined child as well as up to 1 companion (parent/guardian or interpreter) can do a free rapid examination at the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center. In this case you should make sure to be there at least 15 minutes before the scheduled appointment (for example if you have an appointment at 08:00 you should be there to take the test at 07:45). We clarify that the results of the rapid test are not uploaded by the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center to the gov platform and are only for an entry permit for examination by the doctor. The rapid test is carried out on the ground floor, next to the outpatient clinics.
  • Examinees and attendants must enter the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center for the examination wearing a mask.
  • Those examined who do not speak Greek or English should ensure that they have a companion with them who can communicate with the doctor in Greek or English.
  • The medical certificates will be left with the doctor from where the Academy will receive them.

We point out that in the event that the examinee does not come to his scheduled appointment, there is no possibility to schedule another one and he/she loses the opportunity to participate in the AntetokounBros Academy (in case a vacancy occurs).

Only one escort per athlete is allowed to enter the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center.

Phone number of Academy’s office: +306981205805

Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center:

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