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On Saturday, February 5, 2022, after the training at Leonteio School of Athens, the first educational workshop of the program will take place at the BCA COLLEGE Athens Economic College (205 Alexandras Ave., Athens 115 23) on “Anti-Bullying”, which should be attended all athletes and Junior Coaches.

The participation is OBLIGATORY and for your entry into the BCA College it is necessary to show an identification document such as PAAYPA, ID CARD / PASSPORT, ASYLUM TRIPTYCH etc

There will be a basketball school session by the coach of the group.

You can see HERE what time you must be at the Leonteio School of Athens, February 5, 2022, for the rapid test. For the rapid tests you should have the Social Security Number.

  • Athletes & junior coaches must wear the winter appearance of the Academy (sweatshirt & uniform)
  • Parents, siblings, guardians will not be able to participate. Athletes will be able to pick up after the end of the program from BCA COLLEGE Athens College of Economics
    See on the map:


The athletes & junior coaches’ transportation from Leonteio School of Athens to the BCA COLLEGE Athens Economic College will be done by bus of the Academy.

Parents/guardians of the athletes who are on the list that you will see HERE must send us the email at: [email protected] completed and signed the solemn declaration that you can download HERE.

Athletes and junior coaches will have to leave the BCA COLLEGE Athens Economic College after the end of the educational program by their own means (Τhere is a metro station 5 ‘ away from BCA-AMPELOKIPON METRO Station).

Detailed Schedule for Saturday, February,5:

12:45   Start Rapid Test@ Leonteio School of Athens
14:00-15:30  Training @ Leonteio School of Athens
16:00 Departure from Leonteio School of Athens by Academy bus
16:45-18:15 Workshop@ BCA
18:15 -18:30 Snack Break
18:30-19:15 Basketball School
19:30 Athletes and Junio Coaches departure from BCA

On Sunday 6/2 the training will take place at the Leonteio School of Athens: 14: 00-15: 30.

Telephone of the Academy Office:+306981205805

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