Congratulations you have qualified for the initial stage of the AntetokounBros Academy for the 2023-2024 season.
In order to complete your qualification to the academy, this Saturday, November 4, 2023 you must take part in the necessary scheduled medical appointments that will take place at the Bioiatriki (Leoforos Kifisias 132 & Papada 11526 Athens) in order to make sure that you can take part in the trainings.
Attending the medical appointment is MANDATORY for your participation in the AntetokounBros Academy and is FREE of cost.
All athletes must be escorted by their parent for the medical check.
Both athletes and parents/guardians must have with them an official identification document such as identity card, passport, birth certificate, etc.
It is necessary for examinees to have with them a printed photo (ID type) and printed and completed with their personal data the ATHLETE CARD, which you can download HERE. Athletes without having their printed photos will not be able to have the medical check and will loose their place in the Academy.
We point out that if the examinee does not come to his/her scheduled appointment, there is no possibility to schedule another one and he/she loses the possibility of qualifying for the 100 athletes who will participate in the AntetokounBros Academy.
You can find the time of your scheduled medical appointment HERE.
Important Instructions:
- Examinees and their companions are required to arrive 15 minutes earlier than the scheduled appointment for the smooth flow of medical examinations.
- Those examined who do not speak Greek or English should ensure that they have a companion with them who can communicate with the doctor in Greek or English.
- It is necessary for examinees to have with them a printed photo (ID type) and printed and completed with their personal data the ATHLETE CARD, which you can download HERE.
- The signed ATHLETES CARDS must be left to the doctor and the Academy will arrange to collect them from Bioiatriki.
- We suggest that examinees and their parents/guardians enter Bioiatriki wearing masks.
- Entrance is possible from both Kifisias Avenue and Papada Street. There is free parking available at the building (entrance from Papada Street).
- The medical tests will take place on the 5th floor.
- The nearest metro station is Panormou.
Phone number of Academy’s office: +306981205805
Bioiatriki: 210-6966282, Leoforos Kifisias 132 & Papada 11526 Athens