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Dear athletes,

We would like to inform you that on Tuesday, June 20th, 2023 at 17:40 we have scheduled the closing ceremony of AntetokounBros Academy at Sepolia court.

There will be one last training session after the closing ceremony at Saturday, June 24th, 2023.

Information regarding the closing ceremony:

  • Children and Junior Coaches should wear the clothes and shoes that they have received from the academy.
  • The presence of all athletes & Junior Coaches is mandatory.
  • Entrance is allowed only for the athletes. Parents or guardians are not allowed to enter the court (there is possibily to stay and watch the ceremony outside the court).
  • For Athletes and Junior Coaches to participate to the Closing Ceremony they must fill in and sign (the parents or guardians in the case of athletes) the document below.
    Image Consent Document
    Document should be sent to [email protected] by 19/6 mentioning the athlete’s/ Junior Coach’s name and surname at the Subject line of e-mail or you can bring the hardcopy to the weekend training sessions (17-18/6).

The closing ceremony will start at 17:40 and will end at 19:30.

Court Sepolia address: Manitaki 46 Str, Athens 104 34. Find here the map

For any information please contact us at the following contact details:
Mobile phone: +306981205805
E-mail: [email protected]

See you on court!
AntetokounBros Academy

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