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Dear athletes, Junior Coaches, parents and guardians,

We invite you to the closing ceremony of the AntetokounBros Academy that will take place this Saturday, July 9, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. at the indoor basketball court (3rd floor) of the Athens Leonteios School of Athens (Neigy 17, Athens 111 43).

The closing ceremony marks the end of AntetokounBros Academy training sessions.

The presence of all athletes & Junior Coaches is mandatory.

The entrance to the Leonteio School of Athens is from the School’s underground parking lot.

The athletes and Junior Coaches should come with AntetokounBros Academy sports clothes and shoes(double face or T-Shirt whatever you like, socks & shoes).

The presence of parents and guardians is normally allowed in the stands of the indoor basketball court of Leonteios School of Athens.

The closing ceremony will end at 7:30 pm.

See below on the map where the Leonteios School of Athens is located:

In case an athlete and Junior Coach show symptoms such as fever, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, cough, fatigue should not come to training and should contact to the office of the Academy: +306981205805.

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